I am a workaholic. I know, I know-- We all are.
BUT REALLY. I won't bore you with numbers because I don't want to be proud of them. Because the amount of time I spend at work shouldn't be something to complain/brag about. Work should be roughly 1/3 of my life, and man it has been hard getting it there.
But today, I feel like I finally had some success in this whole balance thing. I woke up, went to work (10 minutes later...shhhh), and then got to it. At 11:30, I took a half hour lunch. As if that wasn't a miracle enough, I branched out from my usual lunch of apples, carrots, grapes, and string cheese and actually ate some solid PROTEIN. I drank water. I treated myself to a handful of dark-chocolate acai berries. After lunch I got back to work, focusing really hard on meeting the needs of clients, and even passed off my training qualification. I finished the day at 4:20 (20 minutes after I'm supposed to get off) with a record 68 points. When I got home, I had so much energy that I couldn't help clean up, cook a bit, and take a run.
Right now, I just want to revel in the fact that-so far-today has been a whopping success!
p.s. let's all ignore the fact that i now post every few months instead of days, and instead revel in the fact that this means i'm taking the time to talk to friends, family, and God
So love and miss you :) I love this.