Sunday, November 20, 2011


Words are important to me.

They always have been.  Ever since I was little, I enjoyed reading.  I wrote my first short story when I was in fourth grade.  And by my junior high I had started a binder of all my favorite quotes.  I recognize bands not by their sound but by the nature of their lyrics.  I talk a lot because it is important to me to convey the words of how I feel, what I need, and of my concern and love for others.  I listen because I need words to understand that I am loved.  Actions are important and meaningful as well, but it is the words of others that I replay in my head in the quiet moments.  It is those words that help guide my thoughts down paths of happiness or despair.  The wrong kind of words, or a lack of them altogether, is something I don't handle very well.
For out of the overflow of his mouth his heart speaks. Luke 6:45
I need words because they are the concrete manifestation of feelings, thoughts, and actions.  In words lie the secret to intangible motives, ideas, and desires.  The ability to communicate through written and spoken words is perhaps the major advantage of the human race- and it is something not to be taken lightly.  I believe that we have this gift because we need it.  Because, as humans, we need to understand things on multiple levels.  Words allow us to convey not just the imperfection that is our actions, but the pure intent behind what we do.  With words, we are able to explain just what someone means to us, even when we fall short in our ability to show them perfectly.  It is said that words mean nothing if they aren't tied to actions.  And for me, actions mean very little without the reassuring words that accompany and explain them.  Because unless you give me a good reason not to, I believe words.

Sometimes we don't have the words.  But just because we can't convey things perfectly doesn't mean we shouldn't try.  We only learn through practice.  When I have an experience that is too inspiring and beautiful to fully capture in words, I still write it down as best I can.  Because words are how we remember.  When we have words, and when those words are tied to actions, we can create a more complete understanding.  And the more complete our understanding, the greater our capacity to give and receive love.

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