Monday, January 2, 2012

Here's to a year of Sunrises

This morning I woke up after a very, very short nap with very mixed feelings about this day.  Today means leaving my biological family in the care of my earthly and heavenly parents, but it also means reuniting with my Provo family that I have missed so dearly.  It means a long day after a week of very little rest, and the beginning of a semester that will undoubtedly be full of many such days.  And yet, it also means the return of intense learning, passion, and the opportunity to build my life.  It means a return to the rapid spiritual progression I've come to expect these past few months.  Most of all, it means breaking down walls, building relationships, and moving forward.

It was insanely difficult to get myself to the airport this morning.  I cursed myself for scheduling such an early flight. And yet, with all my grumpy morning feelings, once in the sky my perspective slowly changed.  As I put my headphones in and was serenaded by the beautiful voice of Josh Groban, I watched the most breathtaking sunrise out the airplane window.  It was such a slow, beautiful process.  And throughout the process, I realized the simple metaphor of it all.  I am hardly ever ready for the morning to come, but as it does my worries fall away in the overwhelming beauty of new experiences.

I'm ready for a whole bunch of new experiences.  
Let's do this.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Can't believe I haven't heard this song before. Thanks so much for sharing! Great post.
