Tuesday, March 20, 2012

because i think all lives are precious.

I found this article today, and it made me very, very sad.  I don't want to get into a long debate about whether or not the law is appropriate, and I am not attempting to undermine this woman's pain, I just want to point out one thing.  What makes me so sad is that people have begun to view human lives as dispensable.  When someone is sick, deformed, or suffering any kind of physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual ailment- the cure isn't to simply throw them away.  Whether this person is an unborn child or a 90 year old grandma, the individual's suffering is not the only factor in play.  Life is full of suffering.  I'm not advocating that we seek out pain, but a certain amount of pain and hardship is necessary for us to learn and grow.  And when a life is terminated before its time, whatever the reason, that person isn't able to learn and grow in all they ways they needed to.  Additionally, sometimes people suffer to teach lessons to others.  I've heard hundreds of stories from parents who had children with a wide range of health defects- some whose child lived in pain for a handful of years and then passed away- but the one experience they all share is a profound sense of gratitude for the life they were able to be a part of even for a short while.  We weren't intended to live this life in a hedonist way, seeking out only the things that feel good or bring us pleasure.  We were intended to push through the good and the bad, and learn along the way.

I don't know whether the woman in this article made the correct choice or not- that is ultimately up to her and God.  I have some very strong views on abortion, based off of thorough consideration and experience.  And what it comes down to for me is this:

Every single person, whether they are a barely fertilized fetus or a highly functioning adult, has incredible worth in the eyes of God.  So I believe that any time we tamper with even the possibility of human life, we must be very, very cautious.  I am aware that there are some horrible things that happen that can lead to unwanted pregnancies- and there are some serious emotional, physical, and mental complications that can arise from such situations.  I can imagine some situations where abortion may be something to consider.  But to me, the point isn't about it always being right or always being wrong.  The point is that we recognize that life is precious.  Sacred.  And something that deserves to be fought for.  
When we approach the giving and taking of life in this way, the details and personal decisions ultimately ought to come down to what an individual decides.  And that, as with all personal decisions, is between them and God.  

For additional reference, see the official statement from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on Abortion.  Perhaps fittingly, this statement came out the year I was born.  I might say it a little differently, but this is what I believe.


  1. I love human hearts. Of every stage of development.

  2. Thanks for posting this, I really mean it. Also, I would love to chat with you about this whenever you are free. Sending all of my love, and wishing you beauty and learning in every moment, and friendship and community with every interaction. Love you to the stars!!
