Thursday, April 5, 2012

soft moments, drastic consequences

I've had so many humbling moments lately.  Little things, like remembering to appreciate the beauty of the world around me, as well as major ones that sweep me off my feet and shove me to my knees.

Recently, I've found that it's important to have lots of quiet moments.  And not just devoid of noise, but calm.  Having a heart that is at peace puts all things in perspective and allows me to calmly address the struggles and joys of life.

Today I'm grateful for my mother.  I spend a lot of time frustrated at the things that happened in my home when I was little, but I don't usually express gratitude for anything that happened there.  Today, while listening to one of the talks from Priesthood session, I had a huge realization: My mother was a convert to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  She was the first person in her family to be baptized, and then she took that knowledge and used it.  She married a worthy priesthood holder in the temple, and as such I was born in the covenant.  Because of this, I grew up familiar with many of the teachings and resources of the Gospel.  And now, as I am struggling to work through some of the most difficult things I have ever faced, I have the indescribable advantage of knowing where to find the most important resources.  The things that I am learning about my relationship with deity and the way I understand truth principles are only possible because of the introduction I had to such things as a child.  It wasn't a perfect explanation, nor were such principles perfectly employed- but they were introduced.  And maybe, just maybe, Father knew that that was all I needed.  So today, I am eternally grateful that my mother fulfilled her part in His plan.  I am grateful that she made the hard choices that allowed me to now be on a path that fills me with lasting joy and happiness.

...and one more thing.  We truly do love those we serve.  If you ever find yourself thinking selfishly or wishing you could have more from someone than you currently do- take a moment and think about the struggles that person is facing.  Then do something to help remedy them.  The results are miraculous.

I can't wait for summer rainstorms, 
they make me feel so alive.

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