Sunday, December 11, 2011

Spiritual hodge-podge

Today I am grateful that there is an eternal plan.  I feel so blessed that when we finally learn how to pray for what we actually need, God doesn't waste time in giving it to us.  The ability to write down my thoughts and the resources to do so enables me to remember the insights I have when times are difficult, and for this I am eternally grateful.  I was reminded during Sunday School today of some of my favorite promises in the scriptures: Doctrine and Covenants 93:28 (those who keep the commandments receive truth and light until they are glorified in truth and know all things), 101:32 (the day will come when the Lord will reveal all things), 88:49 (the day will come when I shall comprehend even God), and 88:58 ("And thus they all received the light of the countenance of their Lord, every man in his hour, and in his time, and in his season.")

In Sacramento meeting this morning we sang "As Now We Take the Sacrament" a hymn I have only recently come to appreciate.  The music is simple, and the words are profound.

As now we take the Sacrament, our thoughts are turned to thee.  Thou Son of God, who lived for us, then died on Calvary.  We contemplate thy lasting grace, thy boundless Charity.  To us the gift of life was given for all eternity. 
As now our minds receive the past, we know we must repent; The way to thee is righteousness- the way thy life was spent.  Forgiveness is a gift from thee we seek with pure intent.  With hands now pledged to do thy work, we take the Sacrament. 
As now we praise thy name with song, the blessings of this day will linger in our thankful hearts, and silently we pray for courage to accept thy will, to listen and obey.  We love thee, Lord; our hearts are full.  We'll walk thy chosen way.
This is a beautiful piano arrangement of this hymn and "There is a Green Hill Far Away" 

I also had the opportunity to sing in our ward choir this morning.  One of the songs brought so much peace to my soul: "Still, Still Still".  Here is the Mormon Tabernacle Choir's version.

More so than ever before, I am at peace.  I am being humbled and made aware of my many weaknesses, but in such a way that I am not discouraged; instead I am instilled with a desire to become better, and the assurance that I can and will progress.  I am constantly astounded at the love of those who surround me- the silent and profound example of my roommate, the gentle strength and patience of my boyfriend, and the overarching love that my friends and family members convey to me daily.

I am grateful for the struggles in this life that allow me to slowly work toward perfection.  And more than that, I am grateful for the knowledge that allows me to be at peace as I work my way through the journey of this life.  God loves us, and he intends for us to have peace, hope, and joy.  What a wonderful Father He is.

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