Wednesday, October 19, 2011

A concept I want to understand:

"Just because something cannot be done in steps, it does not follow that it cannot be done at all."
-C. Terry Warner

Lately I've been trying to wrap my mind around Slife's idea of non-linear time...and this seems to fit somehow.  Yet my Greek educational heritage is pushing back with tremendous force.
How does one change their view of a paradigm to include things never before considered a possibility?

1 comment:

  1. If you accept the concept of non-linear time, getting "x done before y time and then T done before R time" becomes far less important than just focusing on X and T happening at some point. Also, I think the other problem with steps is we assume we know the order they should be in.

    I think true non-linear time is not so much that things don't have an order, but recognizing that we don't understand the true order, and being okay with what seems so non-linear to us but actually follows a much larger-scale order.

    Or then, there is that idea that God sees past/future simultaneous to present, and sees things circular. Maybe that is why we get so impatient with our own concept of linear time, because it's not what our spirits are familiar with.

    Fascinating food for thought.
