Tuesday, July 5, 2011


This weekend, on a crazy last minute decision, two of my close friends came to visit me out in California.  They took the trek from Utah and Texas to spend a wonderful weekend together.  We had a blast at Waterworld, saw the new Transformers movie, played baseball and Frisbee, witnessed lots of exploding cars and fireworks, ate delicious food, and mostly just enjoyed one another's company.  It was so nice to be reminded of the friends I have waiting for me back at school, and the good times we have together.  The first night after I picked them up from the airport, right before I went to bed, I noticed a set of open scriptures next to each of their beds.  It is so wonderful to have friends that lift and inspire me.  I feel so blessed.

This weekend was really just what I needed it to be.  Spiritual uplift, answers, caring touch, long discussions, reassurance, side splitting laughter, and opportunities to learn how to deal with life better.  This life is such a beautiful, passionate, sleep deprived mess.

I'm most proud today that I took a risk this weekend.  I try so hard to fight being hopeful, because I hate the bitterness of disappointment and the guilt of getting what I want.  But I finally took the leap and jumped right in.  I don't know what will happen or how anything will end up, but I do know that I'm glad I decided to get my hands dirty.  I'm learning and loving so much.  After all, what is life if not an opportunity to grasp all the goodness and possibilities you can?  I may not do things perfectly, but I am doing things.  I am living.

I owe the wonderfulness of the past few days to these friends.  I firmly believe that we have all sorts of friends for different reasons, and these are two that have a special place in my life. : )

Classic faces.

Waterworld + random flower clip + hilarious lady walking by + friends = Happiness

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