Monday, May 7, 2012

Monday night musings

I am so grateful to be alive.

Grateful that we are allowed to feel love, even when it's complicated and messy.  Thrilled that I've discovered how good a remedy running can be for headaches.  Blessed to associate with those who help me heal and teach me the power of change.  Cursed with the good fortune of a Heavenly Father who knows how to give me the challenges I need to grow.

I am so grateful for love.  It is so powerful.  Confusing, conflicted, and scary, as well.  But there is something so anchoring about feeling love toward another human being.  We were meant to love.


  1. Written for you:

    Haunt my heart,
    Dreams of yellow and white,
    Once so clear and bright,
    Now dark and dull,
    Come again and fill that part,
    Haunt again my heart and make me whole.
