Friday, May 11, 2012

I am in love with life

With the opportunity to wait in the Bountiful Temple and chat with elderly couples about their courtship.  With midnight dinners at Denny's with some of my most favorite people.  With opportunities to make covenants, anticipate making covenants, and ask hundreds of questions.  With loads of laundry that I can fold while chatting with my beautiful roommates.  I'm in love with the silly things that I laugh about, like hitting my head on the dome light of a car, or forgetting how much I hate Taco Bell's guacamole until I take a huge bite of my burrito.  With playing alarm-DJ in the morning with Jessie, only to finally bolt awake 20 minutes before class.  I'm in love with learning and growing, with facing challenges and enjoying the growth.   With making choices and decisions, and recognizing that life is about learning to use your agency, not necessarily about doing everything right.  I'm in love with feeling alive, and remembering how great it feels to push yourself.  With sticking to a running plan even though it hurts.  With feeling cared about, with choosing to be happy.  I'm in love with life because there is so much to love about it.

But most of all, I'm in love with life because I choose to be.

And a quote from James E. Talmage in Jesus the Christ that comes to mind whenever I begin to think that life is unfair:
“In the judgment with which we shall be judged, all the conditions and circumstances of our lives shall be considered.  The inborn tendencies due to heredity, the effect of environment whether conducive to good or evil, the wholesome teachings of youth, or the absence of good instruction—these and all other contributory elements must be taken into account in the rendering of a just verdict as to the soul’s guilt or innocence.  Nevertheless, the divine wisdom makes plain what will be the result with given conditions operating on known natures and dispositions of men, while every individual is free to choose good or evil within the limits of the many conditions existing and operative.”  

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