Thursday, June 2, 2011

esoteric paradoxical inquisitions

I wonder why, in the moments and days that seems so lazy, so trapped, and so hard to muster the desire to get out of, it is so hard.  And yet, minutes-hours-days later, the same life and frustrations can seem full of possibilities and positive thoughts.  Why can't the self of right now go back and tell the self of yesterday that things are fine, and that it's okay to relax and be unproductive, or motivate the self of yesterday to get up and live life.

Why is it that in souls so wrought with emotion, poetry, and life, so little of it shows?  The most beautiful things in life are the actions and moments between real people sharing real feelings.  And the second is all of the beautiful things created by those who have no person to feel with, so they share their feelings with everyone through their art.  The second group effects more people.  But the first has an effect of much greater depth.  Which is better?  Can we learn to express ourselves in one way, when we are used to another?  Can we ever have both?

Why does a Google search on emotions lead to hundreds of links on how to "handle" and "control" one's emotions, but nothing on how to feel them?

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